How to reach Acharavi

By car / bus

Corfu town is connected with Athens (via Patras) and Thessaloniki (via Ioannina and Larissa-twice a week) through the national roads of “Ionia Odos” and “Egnatia Odos”, respectively. “Corfu KTEL” operator provides daily routes to above mentioned destinations. For more information visit the website:, or call:

Informations / Tel.:

Bus station of Corfu: ++302661030627,
Athens: ++302105129443,
Thessaloniki: ++30231528600

By plane

The national airport of Corfu is daily connected with Athens and Thessaloniki. The duration of the flight is approximately 50min (for both destinations).

Informations / Tel.:

International Airport “El. Venizelos”: +302103530000,
International Airport of Corfu “I. Kapodistrias”: +30266130180,
Olympic Airways: Athens-+3021096666666, Corfu: +302661038694,
Aegean Airlines: Athens +302106261700, Corfu: +302661027100


The port is located on the east coast of the island and offers sailings to Italy (Bari, Brindisi, Ancona and Venice) and to Greece (Igoumenitsa). In winter-time the scheduled routes are reduced to only 4 a week.

Port Information :

Corfu: +302661365200

Corfu is daily, and almost hourly, connected with Igoumenitsa with open-ended and close type ferries. The duration of the trip is approximately 1 ½ hours.

Igoumenitsa: +3026650222352

From Igoumenitsa port you can also reach the port of Leukimmi (Southern Corfu) and Paxos island.

Patras: +302610277622
In summertime the provided routes are 2-3 daily, with an average duration of 7 hours.

More information:

* MINOAN LINES: Poseidonos Ave., 185 31 Piraeus: tel: +302104145745, fax: +302104145715 E-mail:

* CORFU Shipping Ltd: Ethnikis Antistaseos str., 491 00 Corfu, tel: +302661025000/25325; fax: +302661046555 e-mail:

* ANEK LINES: Poseidonos Ave. and 2 Kapodistriou str., 185 31 Piraeus, tel: +302104197420, fax: +302104115465/4119593 E-mail:

* MANCAN TRAVEL-Corfu 38 El. Venizelou str., 491 00 Corfu, tel: +3026610-24503/24504/32664, fax: +302661036935

* BLUE STAR FERRIES: e-mail : 30 Amalias Av., 105 58 Athens, tel: +302108919800, 26 Poseidonos Ave., 185 31 Piraeus tel: +302108919800

* GRAND SEA SERVICES: 18 Ethnikis Antistaseos str., (New Port), 491 00 Corfu; tel: +302661081222/26660; fax: +302661026426

* In addition, the Diapontian islands (Othoni, Erikoussa and Mathraki) are navigationally connected with Corfu city and Sidari (at the north side of the island). More information at the port of Sidari, tel: +302663031356.